Housing Opportunity Grants

Housing Opportunity Grants support affordable housing activities. Examples include housing fairs, forums, housing studies, open houses, etc. The goal of the program is to position REALTORS® as leaders in improving their communities by creating affordable housing opportunities. Grants can be used to support activities which support a specific affordable housing issue in a community within Mainstreet's jurisdiction. Activities should involve partnerships and have a broad community reach.


Looking for project inspiration? Check out the Spaces to Places blog for examples from across the country.


Program must include:

  • A REALTOR® component
  • Partners who contribute ideas, financial and/or political support and planning
  • A housing activity needed in your community and the activity must address the need
  • How affordable housing is compared to nearby counties and inform the public of available down payment assistance and financing options.

Grant Funds are not eligible for:

  • Fundraising contributions or funds to hold a fundraiser
  • General operating expenses
  • Materials for construction/rehab of a property
  • Landscaping materials
  • Home furnishings
  • Donations to another organization

Housing Opportunity Grant Examples

Examples of approved projects.

Grant Application

Spaces to Place Blog

Get project inspiration from around the country.


If you have questions about Placemaking Grants or would like to learn about other types of grants (House, Diversity, or Smart Growth), reach out!

Alex Pena

Advocacy & Community Manager