Global Access Pass: Global Entry Program Comes to Mainstreet

Mainstreet HQ, Downers Grove –Mainstreet is offering the opportunity for everyone interested in applying or who have applied for Global Entry to do the interview portion at our headquarters at 6655 Mainstreet Downers Grove IL, 60516.

For context, the Global Entry Program is “an expedited clearance program allowing pre-approved, low-risk travelers” to pass through automatic kiosks at certain airports. Additionally, it automatically approves you for TSA pre-check.

Yes, everyone means everyone. While this is a Mainstreet Organization of REALTORS® event on our calendar, you do not need to be a member to schedule the interview with us that will be done by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). So that includes friends, family and anyone in your community.

Better still, saving your interview spot with us is free. There is no registration fee required though Mainstreet to sign up. There are specific steps to follow. First and foremost, sign up for a date and time at Mainstreet for your interview. You may sign up for a time on July 25 or August 30. Please follow the steps below to ensure you have all necessary paperwork completed with adequate processing times.

1. Sign up for an interview timeslot with Mainstreet on either July 25 or August 30. Click here to access our registration page for July. Click here to be redirected to the August registration page. 
2. Follow the four-step process and click here to create an account with
3. Fill out the application and submit to the Trusted Traveler Program
4. Pay the application fee (not through Mainstreet*)
5. Allow between one to two weeks processing time, pending conditional approval.
6. Email Donna Wilson at Mainstreet with any questions, 

Let Mainstreet Global make traveling from one destination to another easier. Then, use your newly acquired Global Entry card to join us on our next trade mission to build your global business network.

To learn more about the next trade mission, email Donna Wilson at